OA offers support, services, and solutions to agencies throughout state government as well as the citizens of Missouri. Customer experience must be a top priority for all OA team members.
When we do our jobs right, other departments can better fulfill their missions and we ultimately serve the citizens of Missouri better. At OA, public service and customer experience are at the heart of everything we do.
That means living out the core values of OA CARES: Communication, Adaptive, Reliable, Expert, and Solution-Driven . These values and principles drive OA’s customer service for the future. OA CARES is key to the success of OA and state government.
OA CARES helps keep both customer service and public service at the forefront for OA team members. This initiative is all about finding ways to improve the customer experience and then, putting it into daily practice. We want our customers to have a seamless experience when they come to us for assistance.
How to nominate: Fill out the OA CARES Nomination Form to nominate a team member.
Who can nominate: Any state team member can nominate an OA team member.
Potential Reward: Recognition in OA Town Hall, OA CARES video, newsletters, team meeting updates. OA CARES award winners receive a plaque to commemorate the event. OA CARES winners may choose either 4 hours of admin leave or a 5-day jeans pass.
OA-ITSD: Connect IT (Kudos Korner and Accomplishments)
This intranet communication board houses a Kudos Korner and Accomplishments.
How to nominate: Share a kudos you have or you have heard from a customer about an ITSD team member through Connect IT.
Who can nominate: Any OA-ITSD team member
Potential Reward: Peer-to-Peer recognition, highlights and achievements of IT team members
OA-GS: RISE Award (Recognize, Inspire, Service, Excellence)
The RISE Committee… we are all about those team members who are going the extra mile! You know the ones…they RECOGNIZE and conquer epic challenges, they INSPIRE others by their extraordinary actions, they provide amazing SERVICE to their organization/customers that surpasses all expectations, and they continually promote a culture of EXCELLENCE in the Division of General Services.
How to nominate: Visit the RISE AWARD website to learn more about the nomination schedule, deadlines, and to find the nomination form.
Who can nominate: Any state team member can nominate an OA team member.
Potential Reward: Certificate of Appreciation, Write-up in Newsletter
OA-FMDC: Team Member of the Month Award
The Division of Facilities Management, Design Construction (FMDC) honors the FMDC Team Member of the Month Award to team members who go above and beyond in their day-to-day work, provide excellent customer service, and strive towards building for a stronger tomorrow (BFAST) by embodying OA-FMDC’s mission and vision.
How to nominate: Executive leadership and service level managers submit a nomination each month to the division director, and 3 team members are selected per month (exceptions under the direction of the division director).
Who can nominate: Any OA-FMDC team member can submit a nomination for team member of the month to their executive leader; however, executive leadership and service level managers are responsible for submitting one nomination to the division director.
Potential Reward: Certificate of Achievement; write-ups in OA-FMDC’s monthly blog, quarterly newsletter, and intranet site; acrylic-framed award; lunch with the OA-FMDC Director; jeans pass for the month; and a month-long parking pass to Lot 7 in Jefferson City.